Friday, April 22, 2016


Reflecting back on the ACT Test I Think what I struggle with the most was the English part because 45 minutes wasn't enough time to do 75 questions. I Think B.C Rain didn't really prepare us for it because it just popped up out of nowhere talking about ACT. Yes our intervention classes helped us try to get prepared but to me , all I learned in intervention none of that was on the ACT so that was a waste of time to me. My test environment was cool, very hot 😩 , it was boring sitting in one class for hours.

I don't know what my score was but if I had to guess/hope its good enough but if its not then the next time I will be more prepared because I will study , study , and I think that would improve. I think i scored like a 20 but if its more than that then I will he happy😊. The Time? Ohhh No I think we could had more time one the ACT because we had alot of questions and only a little time to do it. Last I really didn't prepare myself I really didn't want to do it even though I want to get in a good college.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The American Dream

What does The American Dream means to me ? The American Dream is the ideal that every U.S. Citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. The concept of The American Dream is to become more successful and become an better person. My dream is to become a Model, a Pediatrician, and to start a family. But before I do all of that I want to finish high school and go to college and to get my career started. The reason why I want to become a Model is because I love taking pictures and that's been my dream every since I was little. Also because I want to give back to the community.Why I want to become an Pediatrician is because I love babies and I love to take care of them. Also because I like seeing babies smile, walk, and etc. I am very protective to babies because their so cute and innocent. After I complete those two dreams that's when I would be prepared to have a family. Those are my American Dream and I'm going to live up to them and never give up.If you have a dream you should never give up on it keep fighting until you succeed because that's what I'm going to do. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR AMERICAN DREAM.   

Sunday, March 27, 2016

What does kindness means to you? 
Kindness means to me is someone who is friendly , generous , and considerate.  
How does doing something nice for someone makes you feel? 
 Doing something nice for someone makes me feel happy just to see a person smile makes my day.

 You could show kindness to strangers by… 
I actually show kindness to strangers everyday while I'm at work. I  greet the customers and I help them out to their car.
The niceness things anyone ever did for you was… 
The nicest thing anyone ever did for me was when I dropped my paper at school someone helped me pick it up.

When someone says, “thank you,” you feel… 
When someone says, "thank you", I feel happy because I know that I helped them with something important

If you had a million dollars to help other people, you would 
If I had a million dollars to help other people. Yes I would because that is my plan when I grow up is to give to charity and to give back to the community. 

Write about a random act of kindness that you could do to celebrate Good Friday. 
Well what I did to celebrate Good Friday was when I went to work Saturday I helped all of the customers to their car and also someone needed help and I showed them where to go.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Chapter 8 & 9

 Chapter 8 - Quotation 1 - Page 66 Paragraph 1

"“Any advice?” I asked him. “It doesn’t matter anymore,” he said. “Just do the best you can. But it won’t matter.”"

Question 1- Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?
This quotation does indicate a conflict. The conflict is between Grant and his old school teacher Matthew Antoine. Even though Grant thought as a teacher he could change things for the better for the next generation through his teaching, Matthew Antoine disagreed. Matthew Antoine believed no matter what Grant did or how hard he tried, his best efforts would eventually fail. 

Chapter 9 - Quotation 1 - Page 71 Paragraph 3

"The cell was roughly six by ten, with a metal bunk covered by a thin mattress and a woolen army blanket; a toilet without seat or toilet paper; a washbowl, brownish from residue and grime; a small metal shelf upon which was a pan, a tin cup, and a tablespoon. A single light bulb hung over the center of the cell, and at the end opposite the door was a barred window, which looked out onto a sycamore tree behind the courthouse. I could see the sunlight on the upper leaves. But the window was too high 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


My Name is Ashley Rogers. I attend B.C Rain High in the 11th grade. I work at Publix this year will be my first year ever having a job ,  I like Publix alot because I get to interact with new people even thiugh I am very shy. I like to meet new people sometimes😂. I am a very caring,respectful,& trustworthy person. My hobbies are texting,taking pictures,eating,& sleep. Well that's all about me😘